Tuesday 11 August 2009

Online riddles

In my younger days, I used to spend many happy hours solving online riddles. I speak mainly of the riddles of the Qwizard type. I first got hooked playing Qwyzzle then moved on to the five Qwizards. Despite the excitement over the last year or so that there was a long-promised Qwyzzle 2 on the way I have recently discovered that both Qwizard and the Qwyzzle sites are dead.

Does anyone know of any other similar riddles or if there is any work being done to replace them?

I fear I may have to create my own riddle. Unfortunately, I would then lose the fun of solving such a new riddle.

Tuesday 4 August 2009

Charming Holly Valance - update

The following new answers have been discovered:

24hours to live: party
fancy mates sis: ask her out
pull sick day: swine flu
nature calls: hold it

Cheating at games

Why would anyone over the age of 10 try to cheat at a game? There can surely only be two 'acceptable' reasons.

1. There is a large sum of money at stake. In which case the cheat is a pathetic person and shall surely run into trouble with such life choices.

2. You are trying to beat a 10 year old at a game at which they are far superior to you. This scenario can actually be rather amusing and teaches the child a valuable life lesson, namely to be careful of some rather unscrupulous sorts out there - see 1 above.

It has come to my attention that someone on the internet has posted links to the videos from the Charming Holly Valance game. How sad. The whole point in trying to find the answers to the questions is that sense of satisfaction you get when you earn the right to see the next clip. If all you want is to see Holly Valance videos there are plenty of other (better) videos to be easily found. For example why not check out this site.

Monday 3 August 2009

Charming Holly Valance - video 5

I made one further effort to get the final video. Despite the greatest efforts of those who got in touch after the last post I still have had no luck. I have though confirmed the following additional answers.

Tell a story: How I saved the world
Mate fancies sis: Warn them off
Friends describe you as: funny OR sexy
Diesel car: Blame previous owner
Air guitar move: Knee slide

EDIT: It seems that the video shown may be related to your position on the leaderboard. Due to more people doing well it seems much more difficult to reach those later videos. At my last check you would need a score of ~980 to make the first page.
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