Tuesday 11 August 2009

Online riddles

In my younger days, I used to spend many happy hours solving online riddles. I speak mainly of the riddles of the Qwizard type. I first got hooked playing Qwyzzle then moved on to the five Qwizards. Despite the excitement over the last year or so that there was a long-promised Qwyzzle 2 on the way I have recently discovered that both Qwizard and the Qwyzzle sites are dead.

Does anyone know of any other similar riddles or if there is any work being done to replace them?

I fear I may have to create my own riddle. Unfortunately, I would then lose the fun of solving such a new riddle.


  1. Have you tried Skyscraper 100?

  2. No I hadn't.

    I love it!

    Only on floor 7 though.

  3. How about:


  4. There is a new qwyzzle, check out www.qwyzzle2.com


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