Tuesday 4 August 2009

Cheating at games

Why would anyone over the age of 10 try to cheat at a game? There can surely only be two 'acceptable' reasons.

1. There is a large sum of money at stake. In which case the cheat is a pathetic person and shall surely run into trouble with such life choices.

2. You are trying to beat a 10 year old at a game at which they are far superior to you. This scenario can actually be rather amusing and teaches the child a valuable life lesson, namely to be careful of some rather unscrupulous sorts out there - see 1 above.

It has come to my attention that someone on the internet has posted links to the videos from the Charming Holly Valance game. How sad. The whole point in trying to find the answers to the questions is that sense of satisfaction you get when you earn the right to see the next clip. If all you want is to see Holly Valance videos there are plenty of other (better) videos to be easily found. For example why not check out this site.


  1. I have no qualms about cheating at such a pathetic game.

  2. Erm, isn't posting the answers to a quiz game on the internet considered cheating? Or, at least, encouraging cheating?

    Pot, kettle, black, etc.


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